Days gone sales
Days gone sales

days gone sales

But there's just no way around it: generally speaking, we want our critics to be well-versed in their subject matter, but that means that they'll be writing for a whole lot of people less well-versed. Days Gone has been in the headlines quite a bit over.

days gone sales

You can appreciate homage in a 2-hour movie, but it begins to grate in a 20-hour game. Jeff Ross, who directed Days Gone and has subsequently left the studio, said on Twitter that when he left Sony, Days Gone had sold 8 million copies on console alone. Former Days Gone director recently stated that the game had sold at least as much as 9 million units- though that may not be entirely accurate. This is a pretty unavoidable thing in the world of critic reviews in any medium, but it's particularly acute in games just due to the epic amount of time required to fully evaluate them. The only thing is that for you, this will be a good thing. You'll wind up playing the same game the reviewers did: a relatively formulaic open-world zombie game with polish and some solid motorcycle action. PS5 Sales Top 38 Million Following Its Best Year on the Market. Instead, you'll see the successes based on what the game borrows from rather than simply seeing what the game borrows from. The new Days Gone adaptation is just the latest in a string of announcements from Sony.

Days gone sales Ps4#

If, however, this is the first open world game you've played this year, you're not going to notice things like that. Days Gone director Jeff Ross says the game sold over 8 million on PS4 in 19 months and local Sony studio management made us feel like it was a big disappointment twitter This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 6.5K 1.5K comments Best LittleRudiger 1 yr. You're going to spend every second of this game thinking of the times you've done it before, and better, and that's going to color your experience. If you're the kind of person that plays video games all the time and has played dozens of these games-say, a video game reviewer-this is the sort of thing that's going to bother you a whole lot.

days gone sales

Many of the complaints about the game come down to the fact that it's just sort of a standard open-world game of the kind we've seen dozens of time before, and of the kind that we've seen dozens of games do much better. I get the feeling that this game and its reviews are being subjected in a big way to the bias of expertise. We'll know more about sales once we see the NPD report, but what we're seeing so far just doesn't stack with the lackluster review scores. Elsewhere, the game has been sitting on top of the sales charts in the UK for three weeks straight-again, these are quiet weeks, but it's still an accomplishment. Days Gone for PlayStation 4 is a post-apocalyptic survival game set in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, where you need to unravel the mystery of end. God of War may have been a game of the year favorite and critically acclaimed at every turn, but Days Gone blew past it in terms of sales in Japan-only one market, but still.

Days gone sales